
on Friday, April 6, 2012
Hey Lovers!
So far, this blogging thing is hard to keep up with! We've been up to a whole bunch of shenanigans! And as always, we're psyched to share them with you!! 

 Quick side note: we LOVE living by LAX.. Sure some people would complain about the noise... but we're just obsessed with seeing airplanes!

 On Friday (not today but last week) Kara went to sew with the lovely Yvette & Beth who are dear blogging buddies of her Mama's! It's so nice to know people!

We just wanted to share this for all of you who complain about gas prices back in OK... It can always be worse! That's gas in LA on the left and on Catalina Island on the right..

This is a cool view of the bank that Jacob parks under everyday for work!
We went out for a sweet dinner together! Kara got the steak "salad" which is pretty much just steak with some lettuce underneath of it!

 We cheered our hardest for the Jay Hawks.. Unfortunately it didn't turn out too great. :(

Kara's birthday was the first so of course, we celebrated!! 
 and celebrated!
 And celebrated!!

 Some yummy healthy dinner! (for the record, those are mashed potatoes, not ice cream!!)

Some of the fun things Kara likes to do with mason jars!

and just a little shopping for some new clothes because....

KARA GOT A JOB! Two actually! She is now officially a part time employee at Anthropologie in Santa Monica as well as a part time nanny for a sweet 4 month old baby girl! On Wednesday, Kara had her first day at Anthro and she absolutely loves it! She'll start nannying on April 23rd. We're so excited to be a two income household!

 This is an awesome picture that Jacob took at Third Street Promenade, where Kara works!

 and this is what time Kara had to get up for work for her first day!! YUCK!

 We just couldn't resist adding this one. Kara's Dad is always doing something silly on facetime!

We hope you guys enjoyed this post! We'll try to put stuff up here more often :)

Kara & Jacob

Goings on!

on Thursday, March 22, 2012
Hello All!

We just wanted to post a quick update for everyone! Things are going great here and we still just love it. We're all settled in to our sweet apartment and trying to establish a routine. This week we've had lots of mini-adventures and a few exciting moments and we did our best to document them for you!

It was a wet and windy weekend! So naturally, we went to the beach :)

We watched a little church online! Then witnessed a crazy hit and run! The guys literally crashed their car and took off! Everyone was freaking out and lots of neighbors came out to see what happened and tell their story. (I was in my kitchen, cleaning a dish!) 

Oh, and if that wasn't crazy enough, we got hail!! It was like a little taste of Oklahoma.

Just in case you guys were wondering, our lives are pretty much like a movie out here in SoCal! Just kidding, but Jacob did see the set of a movie that was being filmed right next to his office!

 Because Kara is pretty much a kick ass housewife, all of our food is now neatly stored in adorable mason jars! 

 And another reason Kara is a kick ass housewife?? Dinner. On the table. Every night!

How does she do it? Little rewards, that's how!

One thing we can definitely say has made this transition easier is technology!! Can you imagine if we had to write letters (yuck!) Most of you have Iphones or Ipads by now and by the way, we looooooooove facetime! It's seriously the greatest, ever! So feel free to face time with us, and often!
Just a normal day facetiming with Kara's parents ;)  

In other exciting news: Kara talked to the manager at anthropologie (where she interviewed last week) and the manager said "We really liked you! But that's all I can say right now!" They told her to call back next week when the hiring manager returns from vacation. Kara is also going to meet with a family who is interested in hiring her as a part-time nanny. If all goes well, we hope that she can accept both of those part time positions!

Ok family and friends, it's opinion time!! I know some of you will have stronger feelings about this than others, and we're definitely not talking right away... buuuuut, we're considering getting a beagle puppy!

We just think they're adorable!
Now that we have sufficiently bombarded you all with pictures we're gonna wrap this thing up! Don't forget to leave us comments (we loooove hearing from each of you!!)

Kara & Jacob

Well, we survived our first whole week!

on Friday, March 16, 2012
Yep that's right everybody! We are officially adults, out on our own and kicking butt. We've officially been SoCal residents for 12 days and have been on our own for about a week! Jacob's parents (Jay & Joy) were awesome enough to make the trip out here with us and help us with getting settled in. We honestly couldn't have done it without them. (Thank you guys so much!!!) We've accomplished so much in the past 12 days, especially when you consider that Jacob has worked 7 of them at his awesome new job at Deva Studios. Here's a little bit of what we've been doing!

 We said goodbye to our sweet old apartment

This is how Kara entertained herself on the road
 Pretty views on the road

 We took this California-shaped Wheat Thin as a good omen

No, we're not rich.... We just had to pay a large deposit

 This is what the apartment looked like with all of our stuff literally dropped inside


 Poor Jacob was so tired



 The rug Kara's Daddy gave her for her first apartment

 It's the little comforts that make you feel at home

 Delicious pasta

 Things were starting to come together.. in some places anyway


 We found out that Kara gets 4G... So many cool things about LA

We're convinced that everything is fresher here!
 More yummies

We got some sweet mail from some special people!
 Taking inspiration from Kara's sister, Emily
 The capise looks awesome here

 Now we're finally starting to get some cute things hung up

A little DIY for Kara's sewing table
 and voilĂ 

 Some Trader Joe's (my favorite place ever) pizza

This is how Kara entertains herself in the evenings, wine and Brian Williams ;)
 This was the fortune in Kara's cookie right before her job interview!

Yummy breakfast
 Lovely gifts from lovely people

 Stuffed bell peppers. Mmmm

 Kara took a solo adventure to the beach 

and of course, more wine!

Sorry for such a picture heavy post! We know some of you have seen some of these pictures before but we wanted to catch everybody up! Other than what you've just seen the only news to report is Kara went to a group job interview at Anthropologie and it went really well! We're hoping she'll hear back from them within the next week or so! She's also been contacted for a nanny position in the area. We'll be sure to keep you all updated!

We also just wanted to take a second to say thank you so much to each and every one of you! There's no way that either of us would be here if it weren't for you all! Your love and support means so much to both of us.

Love you all,
Kara & Jacob